May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Yes, our Annual Walt’s Waltz Raffle Rouser is OPEN!
You are invited: May 13th for our in-person event at the Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery! Let’s Celebrate Mental Wellness Practices and join together as a community to support each other and Walt’s Waltz continued work.
Listing of hands on activities and events:
Resource Table - Walt’s Waltz will share our resources and explain our work.
Paint Our Mascot - watercolor painting of our Walt’s Waltz Mascot
Make One Take One - learn the process of making cabochon pins and help us create our pins!
Butterfly Origami - make an origami butterfly
Card Making Station - Make a Mother’s Day (or similar sentiment) Cards or Help Us by designing the fronts of our thank you cards.
Select items from our Walt’s Waltz Raffle Rouser on display
Silent Auction
4:00 - Live Music
6:00 - Our new Walt’s Waltz Stigma-Free Environment Celebration
6:50 - Closing and thank you!