Our Songs
Take a listen to our song, Walt's Waltz by Charlie Weiner, and view what we have been up to at Walt’s Waltz. Today is the last day of the Suicide Awareness.
Thank you, Charlie, for taking the time to know our story through my son, Will’s, and my eulogies and our discussions. Your song captures my emotions as I struggle to take a breath each day without our humble, compassionate Walt.
Thank you, Lana Guy, for writing this emotive piece, “Samantha” for Suicide Awareness Month. We are humbled and honored to share.
Take a listen to The Waltz. Lana Guy put her signature on a song Walt and I penned. Lana is such a gifted artist and such a beautiful, compassionate soul. Again, thank you.
Cold December Wind -Thank you, Cory Stevenson, for allowing us to post your original emotive song about loss. When I hear your words, it’s as if my soul is expressing itself. Thank you for putting words and music to my pain.
We are so grateful to Glenis Redmond for her contribution to our event at GCCA celebrating our partnership becoming Walt’s Waltz’s first Stigma-Free Zone. Please take a listen to her beautiful words of love, hope, and compassion.
Take a listen to “Inner Space” by Glenis Redmond.
Glenis, we are humbled by your readiness to help us.
Our Stories
Testimonies soon to come!