Suicide Loss Resources
Free Resources
At Walt’s Waltz, we are dedicated to raising awareness about suicide prevention and providing support to those in need. Our mission is to end the stigma surrounding mental health struggles and create a community where everyone feels valued and supported.
American Society for Suicidology and Mental Health America SOS Groups
There are in-person and also online support groups. You can search for your zip code or join a national online group.
Articles that may help after you have lost a loved one by suicide:
Expert Untangles Complexities of Grief for Suicide Loss Survivors CU Anschutz Medical Campus
Left Behind After Suicide - Harvard Review
I’ve Lost Someone By Suicide - the JED Foundation
I’ve Lost Someone - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Suicide Grief: Coping with a Loved One’s Suicide HelpGuide.org
Coping Methods You May Want to Try
After you lose a loved one from depression, anxiety, or another mental health condition, it may be hard to do what seems to be the simplest things. First, start out making sure you drink water, try to eat, take rest periods as needed throughout the day . . .
Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions - keeping your feelings bottled up leads to more pain
If you feel uncomfortable crying in front of others, find a quiet place.
Exercise - whatever that looks like to you - maybe it’s a very short walk and that is a good start
Keep a journal - writing things down can help organize your thoughts and feelings.
Seek out supportive friends and family
Join a support group
Talk to a therapist or grief counselor
Understand that you are not at fault and remember the good in their lives
Use your loss to help others like Susan did with creating Walt’s Waltz