Paintng Mental Health Workshops Generational Blend - Community Cookbooks Wellbeing Days Tabling Events Community Collaborations Presentations Workplace Mental Health Take You Mental Health Temperature Cards Positive Affirmations with Mirrors Painting Emotions Journaling Activities Mental Health Moonshot Documentary - Coming Soon Art Exhibitions Walt's Waltz Stigma-Free Environment and Pledge Concerts Poetry Readings Scheduled Certification Courses. Community Volunteer Days. Group Presentations Mental Healht Advoacy and More

Paintng Mental Health Workshops Generational Blend - Community Cookbooks Wellbeing Days Tabling Events Community Collaborations Presentations Workplace Mental Health Take You Mental Health Temperature Cards Positive Affirmations with Mirrors Painting Emotions Journaling Activities Mental Health Moonshot Documentary - Coming Soon Art Exhibitions Walt's Waltz Stigma-Free Environment and Pledge Concerts Poetry Readings Scheduled Certification Courses. Community Volunteer Days. Group Presentations Mental Healht Advoacy and More

For a better understanding of mental health and stigma, organizations to contact for help, and ways you can take care of your own mental health, check out the list below

  • Mental Health First Aid certification  For Upstate and Midlands, SC, funded by Prisma Health and SAMHSA. This 8-hour certification promotes mental health literacy. Open to those 18+.

  • Lunch and Learns In partnership with organizations like PsychU and DPH, open to anyone 18+, focusing on mental health education.

  • Outreach Service Resources

    This listing of resources includes places you can visit or call for therapy sessions, care, programs, or more information regarding mental health.

  • Self-Care Tips  We’re on a mission to share a list of ways to calm down in a moment of discress accessible to everyone by posting these flyers in restrooms and restroom stalls across the U.S. Our flyers, some strategies adapted from DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets (Second Edition) by Marsha Linehan, include a QR code to our website, which also features the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and links to other national lifelines and support programs. Our goal is to reach people when they need it most. With permission, we can customize these flyers for businesses to display, or provide multiple versions for establishments to choose from.

    If you’d like to help us distribute these materials and join our effort to reduce suffering and potentially save lives, please contact us at Together, we can make a difference.

  •  Walt’s Waltz Stigma-Free Environments

    Our establishment of these organizations pledge to work with us to increase awareness of mental health conditions and work to eliminate stigma. Contact or call (864) 477-8660 to find our more!

  • Arts Integration: Art Exhibits, Painting Mental Health Workshops, Film Series, Performances, Advocacy work for Equity 

  • Mental Health Moonshot with neuroscientists, geneticists, cellular biologists, and the healthcare community which focuses on research involving mental health in genetics. 

  • Take Your Mental Health Temperature Initiative to help others understand how healthy their mental health is. There are a variety of tests listed on this page that can help identify your area of struggle.

  • Tailored Workshops & Presentations
    Customized programs based on client goals and participant needs. Contact: susan@waltswaltz or (864) 477-8660.

    Additional Resources