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Join Walt’s Waltz & NAMI Greenville as together we host Monthly Physical & Mental Wellness Programs.

Join Walt’s Waltz & NAMI Greenville as together we host Monthly Physical & Mental Wellness Programs. We will have safe-space discussions and a special guest presenting wellness strategies. Please mark you calendars for this monthly event.

Christopher will be introducing us to the 7 areas of wellness. He will go into the definitions, examples of each, and ways to increase wellness in each area! He will also lead us in a a short yoga or meditative breathing session at the end of this session.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 4361 4074
Passcode: Wellness

June 17

Walt's Waltz Hosts - PsychU Advocacy - Mental Health Awareness: A Focus on Suicide

June 29

Walt's Waltz Hosts Youth Mental Health First Aid