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Walt's Waltz is a compass and a megaphone for mental health support, education, and change. In keeping with our mission, we are hosting Adult Mental Health First Aid Certification on October 13th form 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. This is a FREE course for those in the Upstate and Midlands of SC thanks to Robyn Ellison, her SAMSA Grant, and Prisma Health.
If this date does not work for your organization, business, school, community center, small group . . . and are based in the Upstate or Midlands Area, please contact us to schedule a training. Additionally, you are encouraged to attend any of these posted events.
Topics covered in this courses are listed below:
* Depression and mood disorders
* Anxiety disorders
* Trauma
* Psychosis
* Substance Use disorders and more
Mental Health First Aid teaches about recovery and resiliency – the belief that individuals experiencing these challenges can and do get better, and use their strengths to stay well.
After completion of this course you will receive a MHFA Manual, 3-year certification in Mental Health First Aid for Youth, 7.5 - 8-hours professional development for attendance. Be sure to follow the instructions during the class to receive these materials. (You will need to email your name and full address to the email provided.)
Walt's Waltz is also encouraging organizations to become a Walt's Waltz Stigma-Free Environment Please contact us to find out more details.
You will receive a calendar invite and also an email to join us in Zoom.
Contact us for more information or to schedule this or another of our mental health literacy programs.